
CSI·F Enseñanza Madrid. 4th Meeting: Onesti (Romania). September 16-21, 2010

Previous articles:

- DEBATE PROFESSIONAL No. 193, November 2009 (Page. 9)
- DEBATE PROFESSIONAL No. 200, June 2010 (Pages 20 and 21)

The fourth meeting was held in the city of Onesti (birthplace of the gymnast Nadia Komanesci).

The project has already come to Ecuador and at this meeting we agreed the new activities we’ll perform during 2010-2011. Some of them will be individual, and others joint between two or more partners.

CSI •F Enseñanza Madrid is going to organize a training seminar on health issues aimed at adolescents in the last phase of 2010, and another aimed at teachers who are interested in exploring the behavior of adolescents from an open society globalized as ours.

Along with Lithuania, we’ll generate a Decalogue of activities between mothers and their teenage daughters who could be regarded as exemplifying and at the same time, be current and attractive to all parties. At the end of the day, even entering in 2011 and with the mother-daughter relations so different for just 10 years ago, the deep love that professes a mother for her daughter has not changed much, nor feelings of a daughter to whom she gave life and care can be so indifferent.

In another way, the host school ("Petru Poni" Technical College) was our reference for the visit. There were organized conferences, partner meetings, photo shoots ... Carmen Epure, as project coordinator at the school, was a formidable host, along with her husband, Constantin, who in turn was built in the main pleasant surprise as continued support and tirelessly to the project.

A recreational visit we had prepared was Brad Castle (Dracula Castle), which lasted a whole day roundtrip coach. However, in the minds of readers and moviegoers of works related to the bloodthirsty Count, it was a must to complete the imagery of feelings of fear and terror each of us have inside the library of our minds, and we keep it jealously.

Shared experiences, feelings, we had occasion to talk, laugh, eat and dinner together ... and even dancing. I remember with special affection dances we shared in one night which I would define as ... magic. The waltz put the finishing touch to a dinner nostalgic, full of unforgettable memories and enduring.

CSI•F Enseñanza Madrid wholeheartedly supports the LLP.


CSI·F Enseñanza Madrid. 3rd Meeting: Sastamala (Finland)

 (Finlandia, del 2 al 9 de mayo de 2010)

Artículos anteriores:
- DEBATE PROFESIONAL Nº 193, noviembre 2009
- DEBATE PROFESIONAL Nº 200, junio 2010

Esta tercera reunión ha tenido lugar en una pequeña ciudad del interior, aunque rodeada por enormes lagos de agua helada, llamada Vammala y perteneciente a la región de Sastamala. Tampere es la ciudad de referencia; dista unos 80 kilómetros en dirección a Helsinki. Toda la zona está rodeada de espesos y frondosos bosques de abetos en los que habitan animales autóctonos como los renos, alces, zorros, linces…
Tampere cuenta con un aeropuerto de tipo local al que suelen volar algunas líneas aéreas de las de “bajo coste” como Ryan Air (desde Málaga). No obstante, nosotros volamos vía Frankfurt hasta Helsinki y luego tomamos un tren hasta Tampere; desde allí otro hasta Vammala. En total, unas tres horas y media de tren más otras siete de avión. ¡Todo el día viajando!
En esta reunión presentábamos por países los resultados de los cuestionarios realizados a madres e hijas adolescentes, así como las actividades localmente realizadas por cada socio, acordes con las líneas maestras que se trazaron en las anteriores reuniones. Pueden verse y descargarse los gráficos resultantes de las encuestas en España (Madrid) a través de los siguientes enlaces:
Tuvimos ocasión de visitar varios centros escolares de enseñanza no universitaria acompañados por nuestros colegas y socios de proyecto en Vammala, y asimismo con los demás socios a los que también se ha incorporado Lituania recientemente. Nos sorprendió a todos el orden, el bajo ratio de alumnos por clase, el estupendo comportamiento de éstos dentro y fuera del centro, las instalaciones perfectamente conservadas y presentables en todos los aspectos… En fin, ¿qué se puede decir del mejor sistema educativo del mundo? Nos encantó. A pesar de todo, no vi nada extraordinariamente diferente entre la teoría de su sistema educativo y el nuestro. Incluso llegué a pensar que el sistema español podía estar al mismo nivel que el finlandés, puesto que teóricamente es tan completo, o más que el suyo. Dos variables me llamaron mucho la atención tras preguntar por ellas directamente a varios profesores. En mi opinión, son la clave que les diferencia de nuestro sistema y la que les hace tremendamente efectivos en los resultados: la aplicación práctica de su sistema educativo se basa en el RESPETO AL PROFESOR y en la DISCIPLINA. Ahí es dónde radican las mayores diferencias con el nuestro. El resto de variables son de mucho menor calado. Por ejemplo, el ratio de alumnos. Habrá quién afirme que aquí estamos en ratios de 35 alumnos por clase, lo que comparado con el de los finlandeses (de 12 a 20) daría una explicación de nuestro fracaso escolar. Sin embargo, yo soy de la creencia de que si su ratio aumentara a los 35, los alumnos tendrían el mismo comportamiento impecable. Es una cuestión de respeto al profesor y de disciplina (y en consecuencia, de educación). Así me lo comentaron los profesores y así les creí.

Otras cuestiones como la inversión en enseñanza, que obviamente es bastante más alta que en España, Bachillerato de dos o tres años, pizarras digitales (curiosamente las tienen pero predomina a fecha de hoy la enseñanza basada en la tiza y pizarra tradicionales), horarios, días lectivos… Creo que son importantes, pero que de ninguna manera son indispensables en el ejemplar funcionamiento del sistema educativo finlandés. Si debemos mirar hacia una referencia de mejora de nuestro sistema, miremos hacia estas dos variables principales, que son las que destacan por encima de cualesquiera otras en todos los países que ocupan las primeras posiciones del ranking de sistemas educativos en el mundo. Todos ellos tienen un denominador común (RESPETO AL PROFESOR y DISCIPLINA), al igual que lo tienen los que están en las peores posiciones, como España, Uganda…, en la falta de esas dos variables.


The third meeting took place in a small provincial town, but surrounded by huge lakes of water ice, called Vammala and belonging to the region of Sastamala. Tampere is the reference city, lies some 80 kilometers towards Helsinki. The whole area is surrounded by thick, lush pine forests in which they live native animals such as reindeer, elk, foxes, lynx ...

Tampere airport has a local guy who usually fly some airlines of "low cost" as Ryan Air (from Málaga). However, we flew to Helsinki via Frankfurt and then took a train to Tampere, from where another until Vammala. In total, about three hours of train and seven other by aircraft. All day traveling!

At this meeting we presented the results of country questionnaires made to mothers and teenage daughters, and local activities by each partner, in accordance with the guidelines that were outlined in previous meetings. Can view and download the resulting graphs from surveys in Spain (Madrid) through the following links:

We had the opportunity to visit several schools in non-university education accompanied by our colleagues and partners from Vammala project, and also with the other partners (Lithuania has also joined recently). Surprised us all order, the low ratio of students per class, the great performance of these inside and outside the center, the facilities well maintained and presentable at all aspects ... So what can you say about the best education system in the world? We love it.

Nevertheless, I saw nothing remarkably different between the theory of this educational system and ours. I even think that the Spanish could be at the same level than the Finnish, as theoretically so complete. Two variables caught my attention after asking for them directly to several teachers. In my opinion, they are the key that differentiates them from our system and that makes them extremely effective in the results: the practical application of their education system is based on respect for the teacher and discipline. That's where the biggest differences with ours are. All other variables are much more minor. For example, the ratio of pupils. Who will claim that here we are in ratios of 35 students per class, which compared with that of the Finns (12 to 20) would give an explanation of our failure in school. However, I am of the belief that if the ratio increased to 35 in Finland, students have the same impeccable behavior. It is a matter of respect for the teacher and discipline (and hence of education). So teachers commented to me and so I believed them.

Other issues such as investment in education, which is obviously much higher than in Spain, Bachelor of two or three years, whiteboard (but curiously have dominated to date based teaching traditional chalk and blackboard), schedules, school days ... I think they are important but by no means indispensable to the exemplary work of Finnish education. If we look at a reference for improving our system, we have to look at these two main variables, which are those that stand out above any other in all the countries that occupy the top positions in the ranking of educational systems in the world (PISA). They all have a common denominator (respect for the teacher and discipline), as well as have those in the lowest positions, such as Spain, Uganda ... in the absence of these two variables.

CSI·F Enseñanza Madrid. 2nd Meeting: Vienne, March 23-28, 2010

2nd PARTNERS MEETING. (Vienne, March 23 - 28, 2010)

In a previous article (DEBATE PROFESIONAL No. 193, November 2009) we presented the educational project of True Interaction Learning Partnerships, framed in the Grundtvig (Adult Education) Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP. European Commission).
At that time we held the first meeting of partners in a city of Turkey (Tosya), hosted by the project coordinator. Guidelines were drawn up by which the project was to develop and assigned specific tasks to members. The main commitment was the creation of a pretest for mothers and teenage daughters to know what were the concerns of both at that age so difficult, that many girls experience physical and mental changes. On the other hand, we wanted to know how it was affecting the current Information Society in the behavior of adolescents.

CSI•F Enseñanza Madrid believes that online access to those questionnaires would greatly facilitate the task to both, managers and questioned, so that in both cases it was accessed through a link through any Internet browser. We requested the collaboration of several Secondary schools and were collecting the data. The results of the pre-test made it possible the definitive test, which has been the main topic at the second meeting of partners, which was held in Vienna (Austria), in March 23 to 28, 2010.

By Romanian partners, Turks and particularly Finns participated in this meeting many mothers with their young daughters (aged 14 to 18), which greatly enriched the contents of the live meeting to express their feelings and confirm many of the responses that had gathered in the questionnaires of the different countries participating in the project (Austria, Spain, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Roma
nia and Turkey).

In these days of meetings there was time for all (inter alia because of a business day, the rest are public holidays and weekends). We all appreciated the monumental Vienna, visits to great museums, palaces, walks across streets where history has been immortalized in the typical Viennese coffee, the best works of artists of the breakaway current at early twentieth century, Gustav Klimt (The Kiss) and Egon Schiele ...


In short, a very productive and enjoyable meeting in an eternal city that captivates and keeps for itself the memories of these who visit her, forcing them to return to reclaim and re-experience feelings that only in such a city can be found.

We also agreed to develop additional questionnaires assessing the progress of the project, which will hopefully fill in the mother-daughter participants in the above. In this way we hope to get a clear view on the road traveled so far and also appreciate some of the products already developed in the project, as are the various training courses for mothers, daughters and teachers that have been made, or underway, by all partners.


SPANISH(Viena, del 23 al 28 de marzo de 2010)


En un anterior artículo (DEBATE PROFESIONAL Nº 193, noviembre 2009) presentábamos el proyecto educativo de Asociaciones de Aprendizaje True Interaction, enmarcado en la acción Grundtvig (Educación de Personas Adultas) del Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente (Lifelong Learning Programme. Comisión Europea).

En aquella ocasión habíamos realizado la primera reunión de socios en una ciudad de Turquía (Tosya), siendo el anfitrión el coordinador del proyecto. Se trazaron las líneas maestras por las que el proyecto iba a desarrollarse y se asignaron tareas específicas a los socios. El principal compromiso fue la realización de un PRETEST a madres e hijas adolescentes para conocer cuáles eran las inquietudes de ambas en esa edad tan difícil en la que experimentan las chicas tantos cambios físicos y mentales. Por otro lado, queríamos conocer de qué forma estaba afectando la Sociedad de la Información actual en el comportamiento de las adolescentes.

En CSI•F Enseñanza Madrid consideramos que el acceso “online” a los citados cuestionarios facilitaría mucho la tarea tanto a cuestionados como a gestores, por lo que en los dos casos se pudo acceder a ellos a través de un enlace mediante cualquier navegador de Internet. Se pidió la colaboración de varios centros de Secundaria y se fueron recogiendo los datos correspondientes. Los resultados del PRETEST permitieron confeccionar el TEST definitivo, que ha sido el principal tema tratado en la segunda reunión de socios que ha tenido lugar en Viena (Austria), del 23 al 28 de marzo de 2010.

Por parte de los socios rumanos, turcos y especialmente finlandeses participaron en esta reunión bastantes madres con sus hijas adolescentes (de entre 14 a 18 años), lo que enriqueció enormemente los contenidos de la reunión al expresar en directo sus sensaciones y confirmar muchas de las respuestas que habíamos recopilado en los cuestionarios de los diferentes países participantes en el proyecto (Austria, España, Finlandia, Italia, Lituania, Rumania y Turquía).

En esos días de reunión hubo tiempo para todo (entre otras cosas porque a parte de algún día laboral, el resto son festivos y fines de semana). Pudimos disfrutar de la monumental Viena, de visitas a excelentes museos, palacios, paseos por calles en las que la Historia ha quedado inmortalizada para siempre, de los típicos cafés vieneses, de las mejores obras de pintores de la corriente secesionista a primeros del siglo XX como Gustav Klimt (El Beso) o Egon Schiele…

En fin, una reunión muy productiva y amena en una ciudad eterna, que cautiva y que guarda para sí misma los recuerdos de los que la visitan, forzándoles a volver para recuperarlos y de nuevo experimentar sensaciones que sólo en una ciudad así se pueden hallar.

También acordamos elaborar otros cuestionarios de evaluación de la marcha del proyecto, que esperamos que cumplimenten las madres-hijas participantes en los anteriores. De esta manera esperamos obtener una visión clara sobre el camino recorrido hasta ahora y que, además, valoren algunos de los productos ya elaborados en el proyecto, como son los diferentes cursos de formación a madres-hijas y profesorado que se han realizado, o que están en proceso, por parte de todos los socios.

CSI·F Enseñanza Madrid. Resume of the first meerting in Tosya

PROFESSIONAL DEBATE Journal No. 193, November 2009

CSI·F Enseñanza Madrid filed his candidacy in the last call for European Educational Programmes (2009-2010) in the action of Grundtvig Learning Partnerships, resulting selected.

In this partnership there are institutions from Austria, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Romania and Turkey, acting this last as general coordinator of the project.

The project will run for two years and is based on social research specifically aimed at detecting and correcting problems in the relationship between teen-age youth (the survey will cover ages from 14 to 16 years) with parents. However, will focus primarily on the role that mothers today play in the education of their teenage daughters and interactions that occur in this relationship.

The project entitled ADOLESCENCE AND MOTHER-DAUGHTER INTERACTION, being English the working language of the Association. The objectives set at the first meeting of partners held in Tosya (Turkey) between 1 and 6 October 2009 have allowed us to realize the following:

1. Design of a pre-questionnaire to collect and unify the different characteristics of the mother-daughter in each of the participating countries, so that it is valid to satisfy all the questions that occur in these seven very different societies.

2. Following the consensus of all partners, design of the final questionnaire  led to mothers, and another one for girls (different questionnaires), but both must fill them out separately and anonymously.
3. In the case of CSI•F Enseñanza Madrid, our stewards will be responsible for bringing the printed questionnaires to secondary schools chosen at random, to ask for help in distribution to a number between 50 and 100 students and to send the questionnaires to their homes to be completed by their mothers and then return to the center.

4. From January 2010, after the results subjected to all kinds of statistical analysis allow us to develop reasoning and argumentation on the possible causes of the problems encountered, training courses for adults will be designed aimed at achieving a better and more empathy in the relationship with their adolescent daughters.
5. Implementation of the courses, completion and participant evaluation questionnaires. Statistical analysis of the views of participants and, in general, the results. Proposals for improvement.
6. Design of new courses for teacher training to respond to (analyzed the sensitivity and demand of the girls and their mothers) to the concerns of his students at a stage where they feel particularly confused by the physical changes experienced by and particularly misunderstood in the absence of sufficient trust relationship with their mothers (more and more pressing problem due to work outside the home of the parents). The risk to learn from the advice of other friends or friends with no family ties makes the staff, through training previously received, becomes a key figure to identify, guide and steer in the right way many of these problems that occur in most teenagers.
PROFESSIONAL DEBATE Journal No. 193, November 2009
The final product will be a printed publication in English (and in all official languages of the partners), with research data on each of the countries participating in the project, the definition of the previous problems which led to this research and recommendations for action in each case so as to strengthen the interaction between mother and daughter making it more authentic.

Similarly, it will create a Web page where you can find all necessary information for understanding the method used and conclusions, together with the necessary links in which expand or supplement the information.

Finally, published teacher training courses to prepare them in the proper guidance to their students to improve the mother-teenage daughter.