Questionnaires on sexuality. "CSI-F Enseñanza Madrid". MOTHER RESULTS
Clicking on the picture below you can access the results of the questionnaire on sexuality for mothers with teenage daughters.
The questionnaire is, as before, open and accepting answers.
This image shows the data in a table. To operate with them, once you have opened the new page after clicking on the images, you can copy and paste entire table into an Excel or Word and order by country.
The questionnaire is, as before, open and accepting answers.
This image shows the data in a table. To operate with them, once you have opened the new page after clicking on the images, you can copy and paste entire table into an Excel or Word and order by country.
Questionnaires on sexuality. "CSI-F Enseñanza Madrid". DAUGHTER RESULTS
Below is the link to the answers of questionnaires about sexuality posed to adolescents (14-18 years old) by CSI-F Teaching Madrid.
The questionnaires are open and can continue to collect responses.
While the summary graph only shows the number of responses provided by students from a particular country of the participants in the project (Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Turkey), by accessing the worksheet (also online), you can get the results of the responses given by each country (there are only sort the table alphabetically by country).
The questionnaires are open and can continue to collect responses.
While the summary graph only shows the number of responses provided by students from a particular country of the participants in the project (Austria, Finland, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Romania and Turkey), by accessing the worksheet (also online), you can get the results of the responses given by each country (there are only sort the table alphabetically by country).
Within the framework of Mother-Daughter True Interaction Project a course on communication within the family was arranged as two groups ,each of the groups included 30 persons , except for our participants .
A course completion certificate was given each of the participants related to the training that they had received.
It was tried to have been reached the goals below within the framework of general goals of Family Training Course Programme.
1. It was tried to strengthen the family ties that is the basic building structure of society with national, spiritual, moral and cultural values by improving the quality of relationships and communication within the family.
2. In order to support the developmental characteristics and developmental areas (physical, mental, linguistic, social and emotional ) in all age ranges, activities were introduced and some of them were realized.
3. Developing relationships within the family in terms of quality, a discussion was held for providing support to the children personally,socially,emotionally and academically.
4. Parents were informed about the development of the quality of their individual life by getting them to gain effective communication skills.
5. "Domestic Democracy" examples were presented for the development of consciousness by ensuring that in their relations with themselves and their children, in their roles within the family and decision making process,parents were in an approach which did not make gender discrimination,which was equitable and participatory .
6. Enabling the parents to recognize the emotional and behavioral effects of the risk factors over themselves and their children, the information of developing the skills of coping with risky situations was presented.
7. It was tried that the parents gained the skills of managing possible conflictual relations which might be experienced within the family.
8. What can be done for women’s empowerment, ensuring safe motherhood and increasing the support of father in the family education was discussed.
A course completion certificate was given each of the participants related to the training that they had received.
It was tried to have been reached the goals below within the framework of general goals of Family Training Course Programme.
1. It was tried to strengthen the family ties that is the basic building structure of society with national, spiritual, moral and cultural values by improving the quality of relationships and communication within the family.
2. In order to support the developmental characteristics and developmental areas (physical, mental, linguistic, social and emotional ) in all age ranges, activities were introduced and some of them were realized.
3. Developing relationships within the family in terms of quality, a discussion was held for providing support to the children personally,socially,emotionally and academically.
4. Parents were informed about the development of the quality of their individual life by getting them to gain effective communication skills.
5. "Domestic Democracy" examples were presented for the development of consciousness by ensuring that in their relations with themselves and their children, in their roles within the family and decision making process,parents were in an approach which did not make gender discrimination,which was equitable and participatory .
6. Enabling the parents to recognize the emotional and behavioral effects of the risk factors over themselves and their children, the information of developing the skills of coping with risky situations was presented.
7. It was tried that the parents gained the skills of managing possible conflictual relations which might be experienced within the family.
8. What can be done for women’s empowerment, ensuring safe motherhood and increasing the support of father in the family education was discussed.
In September 2010, we developed a training course based on the meaning of the Grundtvig Project "True Interaction" and the relation that could be found with a right health care.
- Families are much important to get a healthy interaction.
- Participants were given appropiate certificates.
This is a test that can be filled in online by any mother with teen daughter. It is about sexuality and the answers are anonymous.
Results will be published in charts accesible from the official Facebook of "True Interaction" and from the official Blog.
This is a test that can be filled in online by any mother with teen daughter. It is about sexuality and the answers are anonymous.
Results will be published in charts accesible from the official Facebook of "True Interaction" and from the official Blog.
This is a test that can be filled in online by any teen daughter. It is about sexuality and the answers are anonymous.
Results will be published in charts accesible from the official Facebook of "True Interaction" and from the official Blog.
This is a test that can be filled in online by any teen daughter. It is about sexuality and the answers are anonymous.
Results will be published in charts accesible from the official Facebook of "True Interaction" and from the official Blog.
Mother, I know you were beautiful
the stately and majestic,
and your face like any beautiful
dazzled the same as a star.
For being so young, like a flash,
I disappeared your face bright
and therefore with painful gesture
everyone asked: How was she?
And I knew she was pretty, she was charming,
too perfect and harmonious
to live in this ungrateful soil.
And in his youth, full of finery,
one day beat his wings light
And got lost in the vastness of the sky!
África Pedraza
First childhood sweet and serene,
Primero la niñez dulce y serena,
Mother, I know you were beautiful
the stately and majestic,
and your face like any beautiful
dazzled the same as a star.
For being so young, like a flash,
I disappeared your face bright
and therefore with painful gesture
everyone asked: How was she?
And I knew she was pretty, she was charming,
too perfect and harmonious
to live in this ungrateful soil.
And in his youth, full of finery,
one day beat his wings light
And got lost in the vastness of the sky!
África Pedraza
Madre mía, yo sé que fuiste bella,
de porte señorial y majestuoso,
y que tu rostro cual ninguno hermoso,
deslumbraba lo mismo que una estrella.
Por ser tan niña, como una centella,
se me esfumó tu rostro luminoso,
y por eso con gesto doloroso
a todos pregunté:<<¿Cómo era ella?>>
Y supe que era linda, era graciosa,
demasiado perfecta y armoniosa
para vivir en este ingrato suelo.
Y en plena juventud, llena de galas,
batió un día sus luminosas alas
¡Y se perdió en la inmensidad del cielo!
África Pedraza
First childhood sweet and serene,
without anxiety or pain,
sliding between games and smiles:
Pure and rising dawn, fresh cocoon
indecipherable murmur
leaves and branches, birds and breezes!
Youth happy after awake
as the open flower,
and perfumes love hearts:
Burning clarity, fixed desire;
flapping mysterious dreams
hopes, dreams!
Then the old, sad and gloomy
as a cloudy day
between memories to the grave up:
twilight shade, dry branches,
sad passage
of oblivion and death, gloom and frost.
Mercedes de Velilla
Primero la niñez dulce y serena,
sin inquietud ni pena,
resbalando entre juegos y sonrisas:
¡Puro y naciente albor, fresco capullo,
indescifrable arrullo
de hojas y ramas, pájaros y brisas!
Feliz después la juventud despierta,
como la flor abierta,
y perfuma el amor los corazones:
¡Ardiente claridad, fijo deseo;
misterioso aleteo de sueños,
de esperanzas, de ilusiones!
Luego, la ancianidad, triste y sombría,
como nublado día,
entre recuerdos al sepulcro marcha:
sombra crepuscular, seco ramaje,
tristísimo pasaje
de olvido y muerte, lobreguez y escarcha.
Mercedes de Velilla
Poems written by mothers in the Grundtvig project "True Interaction. "
Look strongly to my hand
Look at my hand and squeeze it
So strong the bond
Squeeze you as much as you did when daylight was not even yours.
Look into my eyes and fix them.
Tired of looking and pamper your steps.
Not to close to the look of the future that shined your arrival.
Look at my face and you'll see as time has stolen my beauty to give it.
Has landed on your profile that one day you flash that did arise.
But not lost, you make it yours forever.
Look at my forehead. Strong and brave, thinking your morning, your yesterday, you now.
Let's look together into the abyss that the fury of the years has not stopped.
The secret that awaits us in the future.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Look strongly to my hand
Look at my hand and squeeze it
So strong the bond
Squeeze you as much as you did when daylight was not even yours.
Look into my eyes and fix them.
Tired of looking and pamper your steps.
Not to close to the look of the future that shined your arrival.
Look at my face and you'll see as time has stolen my beauty to give it.
Has landed on your profile that one day you flash that did arise.
But not lost, you make it yours forever.
Look at my forehead. Strong and brave, thinking your morning, your yesterday, you now.
Let's look together into the abyss that the fury of the years has not stopped.
The secret that awaits us in the future.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Mira fíjamente a mi mano
My life, climb scaffolding, building it yours.
We will never know if we have a chance or we seek.
Rooms flooded my life with your photographs.
Songs floating in the echoes on the walls.
Dwindling Jerseys hanging in the closet of those days.
Letters by other hands wet.
Sturdy shoes, mud stained day by day.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Mira mi mano y estréchala,
Tan fuerte el vínculo
Aprieta tanto como hacías cuando la luz del día ni siquiera era tuya.
Mírame a los ojos fijamente.
Cansados de mirar y vigilar tus pasos.
Que no se cierran a la mirada del futuro que brilló a tu llegada.
Mira mi cara y verás cómo el tiempo me ha robado la belleza para dártela.
Ha aterrizado en su perfil que un día usted flash que se plantea.
Pero no se pierde, lo haces tuyo para siempre.
Mira mi frente. Fuerte y valiente, pensando en tu mañana, tu ayer, tu ahora.
Vayamos a ver juntas en el abismo que la furia de los años no ha parado,
el secreto que nos espera en el futuro.
Inmaculada del Rosal
The passing of consciousness
When I think that days never will be repeated, I think of you.
I look upon the canvas of the times and I watch like yours also flee,
settle mine, ours live in a corner of memory.
My life, climb scaffolding, building it yours.
Our steps hesitantly into your rivers and dodging my pond.
Slow passage that consciousness forgets.
We will never know if we have a chance or we seek.
If we already knew or we learned everything.
But you have taught me that, after your face, is life.
Inmaculada del Rosal
El transcurrir de la consciencia
Cuando pienso que los días no se repiten, pienso en ti.
Miro sobre el lienzo de las horas y veo como las tuyas también huyen,
las mías se posan, las nuestras habitan en un rincón de la memoria.
Mi vida, subida a un andamio, la tuya construyéndolo.
Nuestros pasos titubeando hacia tus ríos y esquivando mi laguna.
Lento transcurrir que la consciencia olvida.
Nunca sabremos si fuimos un azar o nos buscamos.
Si sabíamos ya todo o lo aprendimos.
Pero me has enseñando, que, tras tu rostro, se haya la vida.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Your trail
Rooms flooded my life with your photographs.
Drawers full of moments that escape from my mind.
Folded cards played with cards. The Bantu family without the grandfather.
Songs floating in the echoes on the walls.
Dreamed Parks ivy-covered
Shoes restless, loose strings.
Dwindling Jerseys hanging in the closet of those days.
Rooms full of that perfume now dragging.
Hidden drawers that still leave a trace.
Letters by other hands wet.
Escaped songs from my memory
Parks where other suns are shining today.
Sturdy shoes, mud stained day by day.
Jeseys inherited loads of other lives, other days.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Tu rastro
Habitaciones de mi vida inundadas de tus fotografías.
Cajones llenos de momentos que se escapan del olvido.
Cartas jugadas con naipes doblados. La familia bantú sin el abuelo.
Canciones flotando en los ecos que flotan sobre las paredes.
Parques soñados cubiertos de hiedra.
Zapatos inquietos, cordones sueltos.
Jerseys menguantes colgados en el armario de aquellos días.
Habitaciones llenas de ese perfume que hoy arrastras.
Cajones ocultos donde aún dejas rastro.
Cartas mojadas por otras manos.
Canciones fugadas de mi memoria
Parques donde hoy brillas con otros soles.
Zapatos firmes, manchados del barro de los días.
Jeseys heredados, cargados de otras vidas, de otos días.
Inmaculada del Rosal
Course of Applied Arts
A course of applied arts for a group of mothers and daughters was held in Teachers’ Educational Center of Panevėžys District (Lithuania) at the end of the year 2010. Participants of the project of True Interaction expressed their willingness to learn some decoration techniques and chose a decoupage to learn.

Mrs. Viktorija together with her daughter Gerda agreed to share their good practice of decorating housewares and ornamentation.

Jewellery boxes, photo frames, Christmas decorations were taken as an objects for decoupage. Mothers together with their girls decided what object to choose for decoration, agreed on the patterns, colours and ornaments. It was a process of collaboration that at the end gave beautiful results of their mutual work.
The moments of the activities you may find on the net:
Model Aircraft Course
The Model Aircraft Course has been completed.
The Model Aircraft Course which was organized with the cooperation of Turkish Air Agency within the context of " Mother- Adolesence Interaction" Project between January 8th,2011 and January 29th,2011 was completed. It was held in total 20 hours and it was given by Zeynel SATILMIŞ, the assistant manager of Tosya Public Education Center.
The aircraft materials were supplied by Turkish Air Agency and equipments were supplied by Tosya Public Education Center.
ATA Model Aircraft construction that is the basic level in the construction of model aircraft was realized .
Firstly, the trainees separated the linden sheet parts which were cut by laser with the help of a utility knife,fastened the profiles to attack,trailing and the longeron strips with glue and by placing triangular pieces of support, they completed the wing frame.
They covered the frames with paper by completing the frames of rising and turning rudders using the same method.After drying and tightening ,they pasted the paper plates that was heated on the aircraft body strip which was attached to the plastic body and they completed the montage of the parts with the help of rubber bands.
By controlling the center of gravity and putting enough small shot to the bile slot ,they learned to provide the balance of the aircraft according to the balancing method shown by their trainers.
At the end, they tested their aircrafts all together in the garden of Public Education Center
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